My journey in the healthcare industry started in 1999 with Trivitron Healthcare as a Marketing Manager. With a postgraduation in Business Management and International Marketing, I was keen to make a momentous impact in healthcare. The medical industry, which has immense power to transform lives,...
Read moreIn medical, radiation, surgical, gynaecologic, or paediatric oncology, the diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring of cancer patients should be done with utmost care. Here the patient’s safety should be kept paramount by the practicing oncologists. It is crucial to ensure that the medical devices use...
Read moreTrivitron Healthcare: Newborn Screening Solution is protecting millions of newborn babies from health ailments
Read moreA recurring theme is the need for rationalised GST rates, simplified compliance, and targeted incentives to foster competitiveness and growth across sectors.
Read moreIndustry leaders outline priorities for healthcare, including AI integration, infrastructure expansion, and policy reforms
Read moreTrivitron Healthcare Private Ltd., a leading manufacturer and exporter of medical devices, is gearing up to expand its operations into the US market while planning the launch of its first catheterization (cath) lab product for the domestic market.
Read moreHow do you perceive their innovative spirit in helping Indian healthcare practitioners access the latest technology so far? In today’s world, leaders are bold enough to converge technology and human understanding to offer fresh perspectives. They promote new technologies, including AI in early di...
Read moreAbrain tumor is an abnormal growth of cells within the brain or its surrounding structures. They can be benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous), with the latter posing more severe risks due to their potential to invade and destroy healthy brain tissue. Early detection and treatment of brain ...
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