

An amalgamation of diverse experiences for a common goal.

IAP ID -‘LEAD’ Conference – MUMBAI (Apr 27-28, 2019)

27 - April - 2019


The International Academy of Pathology-Indian Division (IAP-ID) organized a two day (27-28 Apr 2019) conference on Latest E-nnovation and Advancements in Digital Pathology (LEAD 2019) in Mumbai to discuss about the latest trends and strategies in digital pathology. More than 150 participants including world-class pathologists and clinicians took part in the conference. The conference was a platform for Trivitron to showcase its technologies which included Prisma & Film that would enhance the efficiency of DP workflow. Team Trivitron received positive response from delegates from institutes like TMH, KGMU, KDAH, Grant Hospital etc. Dr Juan Antonio Retamero’s informative presentation over the increased efficiency of DP workflow by using Sakura Film Coverslipper was the key highlight of the conference.

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