The dramatic spread of COVID-19 has disturbed lives, livelihoods, businesses and communities globally. As the number of corona positive cases and related deaths continue to rise, it is arguably established that we are in the middle of a global healthcare crisis. Leading healthcare and medical technology associations throughout the world are coming together and finding innovative approaches to limit the impact of the virus on health and economy, three major priorities have been identified that needs to be considered to effectively contain the viral spread namely:
- Higher availability of COVID-19 specific medical technologies & testing products
- Increased laboratory testing for COVID-19 cases
- Effective treatment of COVID-19 positives
As a pioneer in healthcare and medical technology, Trivitron Healthcare Group has endeavored to address the burning issues during this hour. Keeping in mind the still-evolving healthcare system of our country, Trivitron Healthcare has scaled up production to yield more COVID-19 centric products including COVID 19 specific laboratory technologies & testing kits, Ventilators, Hand Hygiene and personal protection products.
As a flag bearer of Make in India, Trivitron has been working to manufacture COVID-19 related products at its manufacturing facilities in Chennai, Mumbai & Visakhapatnam. Trivitron in collaboration with its overseas partners, to meet the urgent needs of the country, has already introduced a range of COVID-19 RT PCR Test Kits, RNA Extraction Kits, Specimen collection Kits, COVID-19 antibody test kits, PCR systems, and other laboratory hardware, for COVID-19 diagnosis & confirmation.
Further to this, Trivitron has been working to produce critical intensive care equipment and sophisticated systems to fulfill current healthcare needs. At its state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities, Trivitron has been designing, developing and manufacturing Mechanical Ventilators as well as Pneumatic Ventilators for healthcare institutions. In addition to this, Trivitron has already introduced hand sanitizing products, personal protection equipment (PPE) and other required modalities for COVID-19 prevention and treatment.
Today, as we face this grave challenge, the entire Trivitron group works together as a family to eradicate SARS nCOV-2 from our motherland. Trivitron healthcare and all its subsidiaries, has converged all its efforts to tackle the virus and has left no stone unturned to cope with various business continuity issues besides, taking care to ensure seamless delivery of essential non-COVID healthcare while simultaneously responding to the crisis.