Trivitron Healthcare Operating Room Solutions provide customized operating theaters

Why Is It Of Utmost Importance To Maintain Superior Quality Operating Theatres – Role Of Operation Theatre Quality In Preventive Medicine

While surgical care and its outcome can largely depend on various factors, the efficacy of the environment in an operating theatre is highly significant. The features and conditions in an operating theatre can strongly influence the efficiency of the procedure performed and even the overall health of the patient especially concerning prevention of postoperative surgical…

Critical Care

What’s new In Critical Care And The Future Of Critical Care Medicine For Better Health?

Critical care also popularly known as intensive care is a multidisciplinary and demanding healthcare unit where a broad spectrum of approaches needs to be delivered on time. Cutting-edge technology and modern advances in this discipline aid in promoting health to critical patients. Complete intensive care can be vastly defined as providing timely and highly specialised…

The 5s of Patient Safety

In 2006, the WHO World Alliance for Patient Safety initiated an international project called “High 5s Action on Patient Safety”. This project is a collaboration of the Member States of WHO, namely the World Health Organization Patient Safety Programme and the WHO Patient Safety Collaborating Centre, and brings together the 7 following countries: Canada, France,…