Bridging the gender divide

Bridging the gender divide

Authored by: Ms Chandra Ganjoo, Executive Director & Group CPO Females contribute to almost half of humanity and, therefore, half of its capabilities. A flourishing society with sustainable human development today can never be imagined without the active participation of women. Gone are the days when women were considered inferior or the weaker sex. Humanity,…


How Telehealth Is Set to Change the Way to Think About Healthcare

With the advent of technology, clinical healthcare, patient and professional health need not be affected by the impediment of distance anymore. The delivery of health and health-related services through electronic information and telecommunications technologies is called as telehealth. Medical care, provider and patient education, health information services also fall under the gamut of telehealth. Tap…

The 5s of Patient Safety

In 2006, the WHO World Alliance for Patient Safety initiated an international project called “High 5s Action on Patient Safety”. This project is a collaboration of the Member States of WHO, namely the World Health Organization Patient Safety Programme and the WHO Patient Safety Collaborating Centre, and brings together the 7 following countries: Canada, France,…

5 Easy Ways to Quit Tobacco

Smoking is amongst the deadliest of addiction and yet millions simply fail to quit the habit. Why? Well, one reason for this apart from a cigarette’s core ingredient— “nicotine” being addictive is perhaps the fact that the ill effects that smoking causes are not instant whilst much less visible. So, how can one go about…

Sakura SMART Automation Solutions Continue to Maximize Productivity

Historically, histology and anatomic pathology have been slow to accept many of the process changes that have been widely accepted in most clinical laboratories. Over the past 10 years, histopathology laboratories have achieved impressive results by utilizing Sakura products and services. To further support laboratories, Sakura offers the SMART Automation product line, designed and engineered to…

Is AI Set to Transform the Future of Healthcare?

Over the past decade, global healthcare has advanced at an incredible pace and how, given the adoption of Artificial Intelligence on the rise. AI is poised to be the transformative force in healthcare offering numerous advantages over traditional analytics and clinical decision-making techniques. The Emergence of AI Coined at a conference at Dartmouth in 1956,…

The Complete Guide to Understanding Gender Dysphoria

According to American Psychiatric Association, Gender dysphoria (GID) involves a conflict between a person’s physical or assigned gender and the gender with which he/she/they identify. People with gender dysphoria may be very uncomfortable with the gender they were assigned, sometimes described as being uncomfortable with their body (particularly developments during puberty) or being uncomfortable with the…