Advancements in Histopathology

Introduction The cells are the building blocks of all living things. Group of these cells unites to perform a specific function. These groups of cells are called tissues. The microscopic study of cells in a smear is called Cytology and the study of tissue is called Histology. Histology Histology is a department of anatomy that…

Introducing Auto Contrast Enhancement Technology to replace Grids for Special Applications

We, at Kiran Medical Systems have spent more than three decades on research and development in the field of X-Rays, with extensive specialization in image enhancement techniques. Kiran provides a complete range of anti-scatter grids, which includes Standard Grids, Digital Grids, Bucky Grids and Circular Grids. As a frontrunner in research & development of advanced…

Advanced Tissue Processing Techniques making medical diagnosis easier

Advancements in life sciences has brought us amazing developments, for example, high-throughput and personally affordable genomic sequencing and cutting edge techniques like flow cytometry that can simultaneously phenotype distinct cells for their expression of dozens of biological markers. The advancement of cutting-edge technology solutions with standardized workflows has prompted expanded productivity and unwavering quality for…

Think Diagnostics, Think Trivitron

Diagnostic testing is the most vital apparatus for checking infections and endorsing best therapeutic measures. It has become the best tool for specialists to arrive at a medicinal decision about a patient’s wellbeing. Testing can optimize the scope of decision-making and healthcare treatment. Alongside therapeutics and antibodies, diagnostics make up the basic but are often…

Importance of PAP Test

Cervical Cancer Cervical cancer is predominantly sexually transmitted and the association between certain high risk strains of human papillomavirus (HPV) and cervical cancer is well documented. It has been shown worldwide that screening for precursors of cervical cancer by means of Papanicoloau (PAP) smears substantially reduces the risk of invasive cancer. PAP test / PAP…


Coronavirus: All that you need to know

What is coronavirus? Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases. Named after their crown-like shape, coronavirus was first identified in the 1960s. Common human coronaviruses, including types 229E, NL63, OC43, and HKU1, usually cause mild to moderate upper-respiratory tract illnesses, like the…