Hepatitis Diagnosis and Treatment

Hepatitis: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention

Hepatitis is a medical condition characterized by inflammation of the liver. The disorder commonly occurs as a result of viral infections, nevertheless, alcohol, drugs, toxins, medication, or autoimmune hepatitis (a disease that occurs when natural antibodies are created against the liver) can also lead to the inflammatory condition of the liver.  Types of Hepatitis There…

Radiation Protection Aprons - Trivitron healthcare

How do Radiation Protection Aprons work?

Frequent exposure to scattered radiation while performing medical surgeries or procedures or undergoing radiation therapy can lead to significant health issues with a long-lasting impact. The side effects of radiation include acute skin allergies, radiation burns, hair loss, damage of the DNA cells, thyroid malfunction, and more. To prevent radiation from having adverse effects on…

Thyroid Collar Protection - Trivitron

The Importance of Thyroid Collar Protection

The butterfly-shaped thyroid gland on the neck helps in our body’s metabolic and other vital activities by releasing and controlling the thyroid hormones. This fundamental endocrine gland is among the most susceptible areas to get affected easily by the scattered radiation.  Doctors, patients, physicians, radiologists, and other medical professionals who are performing or undergoing medical…