Perspective Change- Key to modern problem solving

Businesses are growing and evolving at a quick rate. The ones who can keep up with the pace end up flourishing and the others perish. One might think, to keep surviving businesses must keep solving problems; both, theirs’ and the societies’. But as companies have evolved, so have their problems. There are no straightforward solutions…

Why Importing Medical Devices is not the Solution

According to studies, India’s one billion population is growing by 1.6% annually, and the ageing population has exceeded 100 million with its percentage also set to increase from 5.3% to 6% in 2021. Socio-economic changes and increased ageing population is making India more prone to lifestyle-related diseases like diabetes, obesity, stroke and cancer. On the…

How Much You Know About Cancer?

Cancer is a broad term. It describes the disease that results when cellular changes cause the uncontrolled growth and division of cells. Some types of cancer cause rapid cell growth, while others cause cells to grow and divide at a slower rate. Certain forms of cancer result in visible growths called tumors, while others, such…

People-centric leader- The leader of the Millennials

Millennials represent more than half of the workforce, with a considerable number of them in management roles. And unlike their predecessors, they are questioning the status quo and are not content on following a hierarchy leadership pattern that preceded them. They express a lack of interest in being an imposing leader and instead value traits…

Easy Steps to Achieve Peak Levels Focus and Productivity

Sharp focus and uncompromised productivity characterise successful personalities. These are not inbuilt characteristics and are learnt in time by developing a high-performance mind-set. What is a high-performance mind-set? Also, how do we develop it? A high-performance mind-set is developed by consistently achieving goals and building confidence which lead to heightened focus and productivity. Various athletes…

Gen. Z and How the Healthcare Sector can Catch Up

Due to exposure to technology, social networks and mobile systems, members of Gen. Z can be hyper-cognitive. Being tech-savvy they constantly document offline experiences on social media and other digital platforms. This generation has been exposed to technology at a very young age and hence, they expect speed, convenience and personalisation. Traditional healthcare systems have…

The Top 3 Customer Experience Trends in Healthcare

Customer experience can be a catalyst for change in the health care industry. It is essentially what the customer perceives the company provider to be. A customer’s perception can be moulded by various experiences at all the levels of their interaction with your organisation. Ranging from a customer’s interaction with an employee to seeking information…

Improving healthcare and saving time with virtual wellness

WHO recommends one doctor for every 1,000 people, but India’s doctor-patient ratio is still much lower, with 1,445 people having access to one doctor. A shortage of doctors, rising costs in the healthcare sector, and an ever-increasing population make the conventional health care models unsustainable to a large extent. Virtual health and newer technology may…