The Growth Mindset at Trivitron

The Centre of the Trivitron Universe Employee-Centricity has been a major objective at Trivitron Healthcare, and out here we have always held all round employee development as a virtue. Coming from all walks of life, our employees have given rise to some of the most innovative and mind-boggling ideas in diagnostics, that have been implemented…


Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a condition that includes both deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE). Deep venous thrombosis (DVT) is a blood clot that forms in a vein deep inside a part of the body. It mainly affects the large veins in the lower leg and thigh. Undiagnosed and untreated DVT is particularly…

Complete Blood Count Test

Know about the complete blood count (CBC) test

Complete blood count (CBC) is the primary screening to gather critical information about blood and its components. The vital role of this test is to diagnose a particular disease and to throw light upon the current disease condition. This allows healthcare practitioners to diagnose patients effectively, thereby advising the accurate treatment. Diagnostic tests such as…

The Role of Aldosterone in Management of Hypertension

Aldosterone (ALD) is produced by the adrenal glands and it is a hormone that plays an important role in maintaining normal sodium and potassium concentrations in blood. Aldosterone stimulates the retention of sodium (salt) and the excretion of potassium by the kidneys. Aldosterone is controlled by the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone system (RAAS). The kidneys release renin when…

Experience the Power of Automation in Hematology

In the recent years, the need for laboratory testing in disease diagnosis and management exponentially increased, that caused an exemplary rise in laboratory testing demands. To satisfy these needs, innovative products are developed in various field of clinical laboratory testing such as clinical chemistry, hematology, molecular diagnostics for improved healthcare diagnosis. Modern technological advancements have…

Why Detecting Early is the Key?

Better late than never is not just an adage. It’s a wakeup call for self-assessment and early supervision of a confused circumstance that could translate into a positive one. So is the case with early detection of breast cancer because when detected early, it can lead to the best chances of effective treatment associated with…

How to Ensure Longevity for business

The lifespan of the top 500 companies has reduced from 61 years to 18 years, according to research by S&P. Also, according to Forbes, 90% of the start-ups are likely to fail within the first five years of their operations. These are scary statistics for any entrepreneur. Thus, entrepreneurs prepare an exit strategy before they…