HIV Detection Kit – ELISA

The 4th Generation HIV Detection Kit – ELISA – For Generations to Come

In India, mandatory screenings for HIV were implemented in the early 2000s. Since then, the Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) has been recommended as the preferred screening technique for HIV/AIDS and detecting antibodies produced by the body against HIV. Unlike earlier kits, ELISA uses more specific recombinant protein and synthetic peptide antigens giving highly sensitive and…

Accurate Diagnosis of H Pylori Infection and Celiac Disease a Complex Trick, Simplified.

Your mother-in-law’s age-old recipe, your neighbour’s nonsensical chatter, or your co-worker’s competitive showdown – some things in life may be hard to digest. But what’s even harder is having to experience abnormal bowel movements, rectal bleeding, bloating or abdominal pain. You may end up googling these for an answer, but imagine the nerve-wracking situation you’ll…