Anatomage Virtual Dissection Table is an incredible technology used in medical education, research, and healthcare practice. This technology presents an advanced platform where one can study human anatomy and physiological processes without the presence of a real cadaver. Below are some of the key points about Trivitron’s Anatomage Virtual Dissection Table:
Transforming Medical Science
Anatomage table provides a unique opportunity for medical students, research scholars and practitioners to view and conduct clinical experiments on virtual cadavers. It frees them from the challenge of having to maintain a real cadaver, which is heavy in requirements, costly, and highly vulnerable to microbial contamination.
Advanced Programming
The table includes advanced uses of software applications activated with high-definition 3-dimensional imaging and computed tomography (CT) data, thereby simulating images in extremely high resolution that design dynamic exploration into the anatomical structures with physiological processes.
Simulated Heart Movement
The most effective application of the Anatomage Table is cardiac motion simulation; from there, a cadaver heart is perceived to go through a full cardiac cycle. Its features are the following:
Realistic valve motion and vascular connectivity
- Heartbeat synchronization with the ECG data
- It is very appropriate for applying cardiovascular dynamics and diagnosing those pathologies related to it.
Mapping of Nerve connections
- A detailed simulation tool creates nerve connection mapping and provides a closely detailed view of the three-dimensional nervous system; the interactive user will be able to explore:
- 188 dermatomes.
- Sensory and motor nerve distributions;
- This feature enhances medical training in neurology and diagnostics by explaining quite complex pathways in the nerves.
Visualization of Physiological Pathways
Anatomage Table 8 Enables Visualization of Physiological Pathways. Such as:
- Airflow during the inhalation and exhalation process.
- Gastrointestinal (GI) contrast studies.
- Blood circulation pathways.
- These simulations complement the medical, pharmacological, and allied health studies.
Medical Text Comprehensive Preset
A much-preloaded material library for enhancing teaching and self-directed learning has as features:
- 220 detailed presets for cadavers
- Worksheets and assessment content for students
- Libraries for vet-disciplines applicability
- These resources simplify putting the table in a medical curriculum.
3D Prosection Scans
The additional 60 photo-realistic prosection images onboard the Table 8 include:
- Examples of cases with normal and pathological tissue
- Colour annotations for detailed study
- Features customizable annotation for characterization
- It, thus, enables the individual to evaluate healthy and diseased tissues for diagnostic training.
Catheter Simulation
A 3D catheter simulator creates a realistic environment of surgical practice for procedural activities such as:
- Four individual procedure types
- Realistic surgical planning and execution
- It thus provides excellent capability for developing clinical skills and operational planning.
New Pathway Visualization Tools
Anatomage Table is also equipped with brilliant facilities for exploring anatomical structures and their functions. These advanced tools will enable users to simulate physiological processes and, thus, comprehend how diverse systems interact within the body.
Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Practice
Fine features, too fine and cutting-edge, have truly closed that gap between theory and practice on the Anatomage Virtual Dissection Table. Interactive and risk-free learning environment without a doubt!